Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reflection on Session 5

Today I learned to tabulate the data from the preferred and actual data form. It seems quite alien to me at first. After running it on with my friend’s assistance, I feel I can do it too. This data analysis is vital to my study as I have to churn out the results. I also learned that we cannot alter the initial raw data but we can take the finding to suit our needs. I like today’s session as we go for the visit to the Library and on our way back Dr. Quek treated us to tea. It eases my mind and I feel a little more confident on this course.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reflection on Lesson 4

Today we learned about how the Learning Environment can be assessed qualitatively. We discussed about the characteristic of School Learning Environment: Relation between student -teacher & teacher - teacher, physical aspects, school vision, school culture, school vision, parent support, learning styles of students, attitude, teaching methodology, supporting staff, resources, psycho-social issues and discipline. Also, how are these characteristic related to Moo's theory,(personal development, system change and relationships).
We learned about how we can tabulate the data using the program SPSS. Its the hands on session which gives a taste of assessing the data.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflection on Assessing Learning Environment

Assessing learning Environment evolves many aspects. Firstly, we need to know what to assess?. It can be divided into three groups: Physical , Student and Social. (I) Physical- talks about the seating arrangement, noise level,space,ventilation and Resources provision. (II) students- talks about working in groups/individual, students behaviour, group size and students concentration. (III) Social - talks about teachers mode of instruction, acceptance/rejection,types of educational talks required and types of activities. Secondly, How to assess? There are different types of assessments: Actual Vs Prefered form, Class Vs Personal and adaptation of instrument for the use in different context. Assessment is vital in the educational industry. as time passes we need to equip ourselves to learn new methodology in assessing our students. Students have different learning styles thus it is important that we cater to the different needs of students thus giving him/her the best opportunity to learn.

Learning Environment by Fraser and Fisher

Recent research has shown that a strong link exist between student outcomes and their perceptions of their learning environment (Fraser & Fisher, 1982, Talton & Simpson, 1987). It is proven that students learn better. Understanding students’ perceptions of their classroom learning environments and the factors associated with their perceptions may help us to find out some alternative ways that enhance the student’s learning. Learning environments research, with deep roots in psychological aspects of social environments, has become well established and internationally recognized over the last three decades as a means to assess and investigate what goes on in school and university education. Learning environments strongly influence student outcomes and play an important role in improving the effectiveness of learning. Fraser and Fisher are educational researchers who have done numerous researches on leaning environment.
Here are some useful links in relation to the topic.
The classroom environment and structure demand as much attention as the tools of assessment and the selection of instructional materials. Students move both physically and psychologically through their school days. Thus, the classroom environment embodies the physical and affective tone or atmosphere in which teaching and learning take place.
Learning environments strongly influence student outcomes and play an important role in improving the effectiveness of learning.
The design of the classrooms, the decoration, equipment, textbooks, teachers, teaching philosophy, and extracurricular activities all fit together well to keep students' interest high and reduce stress from a heavy workload at school.
Research over the last four decades has recognized that students' and teachers' perceptions are important parameters of the social and psychological aspects of the learning environments of school classrooms (Fraser, 1994, 1998). Considerable work has been done on the assessment and investigation of classroom environments in primary and secondary schools with a variety of instruments (Fraser, 1994, 1998). (eg of survey)

Reflection On Engaged Learning Environment

I guess school learning environment is very much depend on the students, teachers (All staffs) as well as school's vision. I find that my school's Homeroom system is a classical example of effective learning environment. Each class has the own unique tastes which suit both to the students and teachers. It gives ownership and sense of belonging to the class. Also, Teachers need to know and identify the different learning styles (needs)of their students and cater to them accordingly. As teachers we have to design, experiment, reflect (both teachers and students) and improve on our strategies that we use in our classroom. Teachers have to embark on new avenues to tap on the students talents. In order to that, we have to equip ourselves with different modes of assessing, innovative lessons and creative skills. School must create a better learning culture and embark on different approaches to achieve this effective learning environment. Nowadays, the students are better equipped in I.T. skills and are exposed to different media, thus it is important that we cater to the different needs of learning styles which will create a effective learning environment.