Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflection on Assessing Learning Environment

Assessing learning Environment evolves many aspects. Firstly, we need to know what to assess?. It can be divided into three groups: Physical , Student and Social. (I) Physical- talks about the seating arrangement, noise level,space,ventilation and Resources provision. (II) students- talks about working in groups/individual, students behaviour, group size and students concentration. (III) Social - talks about teachers mode of instruction, acceptance/rejection,types of educational talks required and types of activities. Secondly, How to assess? There are different types of assessments: Actual Vs Prefered form, Class Vs Personal and adaptation of instrument for the use in different context. Assessment is vital in the educational industry. as time passes we need to equip ourselves to learn new methodology in assessing our students. Students have different learning styles thus it is important that we cater to the different needs of students thus giving him/her the best opportunity to learn.

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