Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflection On Engaged Learning Environment

I guess school learning environment is very much depend on the students, teachers (All staffs) as well as school's vision. I find that my school's Homeroom system is a classical example of effective learning environment. Each class has the own unique tastes which suit both to the students and teachers. It gives ownership and sense of belonging to the class. Also, Teachers need to know and identify the different learning styles (needs)of their students and cater to them accordingly. As teachers we have to design, experiment, reflect (both teachers and students) and improve on our strategies that we use in our classroom. Teachers have to embark on new avenues to tap on the students talents. In order to that, we have to equip ourselves with different modes of assessing, innovative lessons and creative skills. School must create a better learning culture and embark on different approaches to achieve this effective learning environment. Nowadays, the students are better equipped in I.T. skills and are exposed to different media, thus it is important that we cater to the different needs of learning styles which will create a effective learning environment.

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